
5.1劳动节的祝福句子 简短唯美 温暖人心



May 1st holiday, happiness is not closed, go out for a trip, harvest a big box, good wild scenery, breathe more smoothly, family together, happiness is longer, may you May Day, rich and diverse!

2.劳动节,(节日句子大全 www.jierijuzi.com)恭贺还在上班的童鞋:忙得充实,还有钱可赚;敬业爱岗、加班模范;劳动光荣、英雄本色。五一快乐。

Labor Day, congratulations to the childrens shoes that are still at work: busy enough, there is still money to make; dedication and love, exemplary overtime work; glorious labor, heroic character. Happy Labor day.


Happy days are always fast. Last year ’s May Day seemed to be yesterday, but this year ’s May Day came to us silently again, working and being happy, May 1 Happy!


Our feelings are like smoky cooking smoke, but the wisps are uninterrupted; our feelings are like a trickling stream, but the stream is long flowing, I wish you a happy May Day!


Hold a handful of spring water, raise a ray of spring breeze, pick a bunch of flowers, and find a new green. When the holiday season comes, may your heart be like spring water, smile like spring breeze, gorgeous as flowers, and lush as green scenery. Happy Labor day!


Send you sunshine to evaporate fatigue for you; send you drizzle to wash away your fatigue; send you meteor to bring you good dreams; take care of yourself in busy days! Happy Labor Day.


The sun rises warmly, the wind rustles; the birds hum and sing, I wish you a sunny mood; the long holiday hurries and hurries, the smile is still blooming; I wish you a happy May 1 holiday and let your dreams fly.



